Stay safe in crypto with unbiased reviews from the community
How It Works
Honest crypto reviews
Share your honest, unfiltered reviews of your favourite crypto products.
Help crypto onboard people
By sharing your experiences you help others start using crypto, your insights can provide an authentic understanding of what to expect when using a product and highlight any potential issues or concerns
Feedback that matters
Are you a crypto company? allows you to receive and respond to any user feedback. Claim your profile and start engaging with your users!
Get paid for your review
Writing informative and useful reviews is work. We want to reward you for that. v2 will allow you to earn sweet cash for your feedback. Stay tuned!
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Our MissionOur mission is to improve trust & transparency for crypto products.Users are empowered to share their authentic experiences and insights which will help more people feel confident onboarding themselves to crypto and make informed decisions about what products to use.We also believe that by helping businesses receive real-time feedback and respond to reviews, we can help improve the overall quality of the crypto industry.
Our Features
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Proof of Humanity (v2)
To ensure that all of the reviews on our platform are genuine and from real humans, we require all users to verify their identity and provide proof of their humanity
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AI fake review detection utilizes advanced AI tools to detect and eliminate fake reviews. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of our platform.
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ERC20 Token (v2)'s native token will be used to reward users who take the time to share their honest feedback.
Support Us
We're a scrappy little self-funded team here at, and we're always looking for ways to run faster, better, and smarter.If you feel inclined, any financial support would be greatly appreciated and go a long way in helping us keep the lights on. And who knows, maybe with your help we'll be able to get those fancy standing desks we've had our eyes on.Wanna help? Mint a Bear Market Buster (our shiny NFT collection) or - if you're a company - get your shiny logo on our website's sponsors section
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